
Tuesday 22 March 2011

2 Thank You's

Just a quickie as I plan to actually make something tonight not spend all night blog hopping again!
 I want to thank the lovely Ladybugs over at Ladybugs Craft Ink for choosing my White On white card below, as their winner last week. I'm chuffed to bits ladies I've been dying to get a winners badge! LOL
Also I was given this lovely award by Maria at A Crafty Journey and I just wanted to thank her, I've been given a couple of awards lately and have posted everything that's remotely interesting about me before so I won't bore everyone with that again and I'd like to pass it on to my buddy Sue at Sues craft Haven
Hopefully I will be back with something tomorrow!
Love 'n' Hugs Laurie x


Lisa Jane said...

well done on your award ... and your win.
Cant wait to see your new creation
Lisa x

pinky said...

Laurie your card was absolutely beautiful and definitely worthy of a winners badge. Keep up the good work, and hope you keep entering the challenges:)

Brenda Brown said...

Yey congrats Laurie, so well deserved on both accounts.
I was going through some of my parents bits and pieces the other evening and found an old diary of Dad's he didn't write in it but it did have a couple of addresses in it and guess what? One was in Hunstanton!!!!
luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

cowboydutrem said...

Congrats Laurie, your white wedding card really was great! Hope you can join us in this week's monochrome themed challenge too...

Pami said...

Congratulations Laurie! A well deserved win, your WOW card was fabulous! Pami x

Sue B said...

Hi Laurie!

Glad you won with your White Wedding Card - it was fab! and you well deserve it !! Thanks for the award!!! Both you and Pat have given me the award this week, and I am very honoured! :-)) I have been trying to find time to pass the award on but I've been a bit snowed under as my doggy is still poorly, then the car failed the service and had to fork out hundreds for suspension parts! No crafting spends for me this month now :-(( LOL

Love 'n' Hugs
Sue xx

Christine L said...

Well done on your award hon! Well deserved!
Christine x