
Thursday 23 January 2014

A Purrfect Challenge @ MAWTT

Hello folks, I'm slowly but surely getting back to normal health, I'm surprised how long that takes after an operation and my crafting is coming on very slowly!! Thank you to everyone for the good wishes and fabulous Get Well Cards I've received, I've been feeling very special and very spoilt I can tell you. Just another few days before I'm allowed to drive, thank goodness, I'm going a little stir crazy stuck at home 24-7. I will never moan about having to go out to get the grocery shopping again - well I might not LOL

It's time for a new challenge over at


and my little Scottish friend Janice is hosting with the theme of


I'm not sure I should admit this as everyone at MAWTT is cat crazy but I'm not a cat fan, they always scratch me. Maybe the cat and I fight for top spot in a household!!
I didn't feel 100% when I made this but I've missed so much over at MAWTT lately I felt was in danger of being sacked if I didn't snap to it!!
(Not really everyone has been so kind and my lovely boss Hazel has been covering my commenting)

I did however, decide to go down the Clean and Simple route to speed things up, not that it does as I spend so long deciding if I should add more things to this style of card!! My cat is a rub on, so I haven't even coloured anything here!

Head over to the main challenge blog for lots of much more creative cards and news of a super prize up for grabs this week. We also have 3 new teammies joining our happy band that you can find out about there.

That's it from me, I'm off for a lie down LOL
Love 'n' Hugs Laurie xx

I'd like to enter this into the following challenges....


Janice said...

It's good to work outside your comfort zone Laurie, and I'm sure if you met Merlot you would love cats!

As for your card, its a beauty for sure, very elegant and a very posh kitty image, love it to bits. Hope you are enjoying your time at your Mums, I'm sure the change of scenery will be most welcome. Take care and I'm so glad you are getting better so quickly - although it probably doesn't seem quick to you! Jx

Unknown said...

Hi Laurie, glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery. It's a begger being stuck in the house isn't it!

I think my dislike of ending up with another day indoors stems from when Emily was tiny and I was cooped up for days on end. Even going down the road to the shop was a relief!!!

Gorgeous card - love the colour and that cat is quite obviously the boss isn't she!!

I don't mind you not being a cat person - I wasn't either up until my early 20s and even now (much as I love the puttys) if I had the choice I'd have a dog! But hubby (so he says!) is allergic so it's a dog or husband question. Hmmmmmm.


Anne said...

Fabulous card Laurie! I'm looking forward to working with you at MAWTT. Hugs x

Sewe said...

I love this card, its really stylish and the cat is so cute :)


Sue said...

Gorgeous car Laurie. I love the pink cat and your CAS design is wonderful.
I am pleased you are starting to feel better now, I hope you continue to make a good recovery.
Take care
hugs Sue xx

Jane said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better - and that you are crafting again! Love the card.
Jane xx

Debs said...

Purr-fectly fabulous card!! Love the simple elegance and gorgeous colour. I'm sure if you had a cat - yours would be purr-fectly posh like this one :o)
Glad to hear you are on the mend - albeit slowly.
Look after yourself.
Debs xx

Hazel (Didos) said...

Ahhh WOW this is super and I love the Pink Kitty. Not sure my Jess would let me dye her fur pink though!!! Glad you are on the mend, Hope you are back fighting fit soon, Love Hazelxoxo

Hazel said...

I love that cat and wondered where I could get the die, until you said it was a rub on. Hmm. I'm glad to read that you're beginning to feel better. Hazel L. x

Claire said...

This is an elegant little number Laurie and I love the colour. Glad to hear you are on the mend sweetie, you will soon be driving .... but take it easy! Hugs and love, Claire x

Sue B said...

Ooh this is so classy and elegant Laurie!! I love the cat… it really looks fab and the ribbon border finishes it off beautifully! it's perfect CAS!
Glad you are recovering well hun.... take things easy and you will soon be up to strength again!! glad you will soon be driving again. My mum can't drive at the moment with her neck/shoulder pain... and it's driving her nuts... she's 83 and absolutely loves her driving!!
Take Care my friend
Love and hugs
Sue xx

cebelica said...

This card is SO me! I love pink and I love cats. And this cards has both of these things. Gorgeous! Hugs! xx

Pami said...

Even when you don't try too hard your cards are fabulous! Love this one! Glad to hear you are slowly on the mend, just take it easy and don't try to do too much! I will take a look at the NEC dates and will let you know hon, will will be great to see you. P x

Christine L said...

Well even with no effort... you can really make something special... Love the ribbon at the top.. may have to use that design soon!

Glad you're on the mend.. Sounds like an uphill struggle.. but it's good that you're being looked after because you ARE special!

Christine x

Kathleen said...

Fabulous card, love the lovely shade of pink and a really brilliant CAS card.
You and me both regarding cats, ask Lisa, that black one of hers makes a bee-line for me and I am certain it is because she knows I don't like cats.

Kath x
Glad you won't be a prisoner for too much longer. xx

Judith said...

Love your posh kitty card Laurie - if in doubt make it CAS! - its a good approach. Im glad to hear you're starting to feel better, at least you're not missing much in the way of good weather, its too cold and wet to go out anyway - hopefully you'll be able to get off on your hollies before too long! hugs Judith x

Sharon said...

This is such a cute CAS card Laurie. Love the rub on cat and the border looks gorgeous.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Hugs Sharon. x

Wendy said...

Not a cat lover either Laurie but this is gorgeous, fab CAS design.
Glad to hear you are on the mend...take it easy.
Wendy xx

Tammy said...

Gorgeous CAS card Laurie, I love that image and your beautiful colors! Take care of yourself and have a nice weekend!
Hugs, Tammy

Unknown said...

Laurie it's fab, even tho it's not your usual style. It's always good to step outside the box sometimes. So glad you are on the mend albeit slowly hon. Xx

Wendy L said...

Great card Laurie, looks very classy. Kittens are cute but I cant cuddle a cat, they make my nerves stand on end. xxxx

mixamatoasties said...

What a fab card Laurie!

Susan xx

KraftyKoolKat said...

Love this CAS creation sweetie. Beautiful colours, it looks very swish. I hope you continue to get better and have more energy. Have a good weekend.


Janine said...

This is a fabulous CAS card Laurie. Looks so sophisticated and that rub on is stunning.
Glad to hear that you're on the mend. Make the most of your rest as you'll soon be flying around at full speed before you know it!
Take care - Hugs, Janine xx

Sharon said...

Hi Laurie.
Would you please be able to give me any information on the Distress Marker class you are attending. Would love to have some proper tuition rather than being self taught.
Have a lovely weekend.
Hugs Sharon. x

Mau xx said...

Hi Laurie, Glad you are on the road to recovery :o)) Don't push it though...that includes the
Brilliant card, I am not a Cat fan either!!! but your Lady is certainly a Posh Cat.
Hugs Mau xx

Karina Bunkenborg said...

Wauw what a lovely card with a super cool cat! Have a nice weekend!
hugs Karina

Marjorie said...

So glad you are on the mend hunnie:) .. Lovely card, I love your Cat she looks so sleek and elegant.. just concentrate on getting yourself well, Thinking of you:)..
Marjorie xx

Unknown said...

Hi Laurie,
I am glad to hear that you are getting better. Thank you for visiting my blog, you are the first after so long!
Love your card, it's purrfect!
Hugs xx

Pia S said...

I'm a cat lover and I think this cat has style!!! I like the look with lots of white space and feminine colors!