
Friday 1 August 2014

Surprise!! I'm Still Here

LOL I bet some of you thought you might never see me again (I did wonder myself to be honest) The summer season is taking its toll on me again, along with life which I think is out to get me sometimes, I haven't had a chance to make or blog anything, but a new release at

lured me back into action! Absolutely everything that could go wrong did, including my not used for so long glue gel going all runny and showing through the image right on the face! I was up until the early hours colouring another image then this morning the camera battery was dead. I think someone is trying to tell me something!!
Anyway long overdue but finally here is my creation for the fabulous Zodiac release 
 I got Virgo which is quite fitting cos that's what I am (well according to some I am and others I'm a Leo as I'm on the change over day)
I decided to make an Origami gift box, I'm sorry I can't remember where the instructions came from, only that I googled it and found it. Made from 2 12x12 scrapbook papers and the lid is all furry and very tactile!
The bow is using the amazing ribbon from Stampin' Up! which is just awesome, I have several colours and I wish I'd bought them all.

Head over to 
to see all the new release and what the talented team have done with them, there are prizes to be won and all sorts of fun.

Right that's it from me, I'm not going to promise I'll be back soon as this glorious weather is keeping us busy at the seaside and I can't keep up with life in general but I do hope to keep making the odd appearance!!

Love 'n' Hugs and enjoy your summer
Laurie xx